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Modern Romance
Wondering about the art of dating in the present day? Aziz Ansari got ghosted which set him on a quest to learn more about the strange world of internet romance. It turns out the data he was looking for didn't exist yet, so he partnered with a sociologist/professor at NYU to find the answers to his questions. There is so much interesting information in this book about the modern dating world.

A great read for Veterans and people who love a Vet.

Come As You Are
Emily Nagoski is a sex researcher and educator. If you've ever had a question about sex, she likely answers it in this book. By removing the shame and stigma from the conversation, she normalizes the differing bodies and experiences of women. If you were raised in a family where sex/sexuality were subject to shame, guilt, or misinformation, this book is one step in moving toward a healthy relationship with sex and your body.

If you have difficulty sleeping or experience anxiety, it is likely that you have heard me drum bang on cutting back your caffeine intake. This essay is only available as an audiobook through Audible, but is extremely informative on the body's physical response to exposure to caffeine as well as a well-researched history on how this substance came to be such a prevalent part of our world.

Loving Someone with Borderline Personality Disorder
Dr. Shari Manning is one of the first practitioners ever to practice DBT. She has many years of experience working with people with Borderline Personality Disorder and wrote this book out of her love for her clients. She takes a nonjudgmental approach and provides strategies for how to live with and maintain relationship with people who have big emotions.

Good Moms Have Scary Thoughts
Postpartum Anxiety is not permanent, but it can be overwhelming. The intrusive thoughts that sometimes come with it can be extremely distressing. This book seeks to both normalize the experience (you are not alone!) and provides helpful strategies for managing your thoughts and feelings.
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